
Transformational Leadership

Mentoring Program

A Dynamic 6-month Partnership of Integrated Transformation for Conscious Leaders

This 1-on-1 program is designed exclusively for individuals, entrepreneurs and executive team members who are ready to align their life choices with their Soul’s presence and directives. This is for you if you are in a powerful season of fertile change, are someone who carries a life-long devotion to your inner and outer work, and desires to serve others with your love and gifts.

Are you a conscious creator committed to honoring your heart in this life by continually opening to your next level of fulfilling life expression? Do you sense yourself poised for profound inner expansion accompanied by a growing desire to birth new creative projects into the world? The program is about showing up more authentically, being grounded in your glorious body in a flow of action, and shining your unique light into the world.

Gavin Frye & Joy Taylor
Gavin Frye & Joy Taylor

Lead From the Strength & Wisdom of Your Spiritual Center

Perhaps you intuitively feel that there is a fundamentally deeper way to approach your work and life, yet you’re unsure how to access it and bring it alive?

Inspiring inner and outer leadership doesn’t come from having all the answers—it comes from having the attunement and skill to lead from the consciousness of your Authentic Self, your Soul. 

Leaders, soulpreneurs and executives who come my way are typically individuals who have the capacity to have a profound impact on the lives of others. Their visionary nature, coupled with their humility, allows them to recognize that what’s often required during times of major change is the strategic leverage of an experienced mentor. 

The Transformational Leadership Mentoring Program is designed to empower you to attune more deeply to your inner wisdom and align your life choices with your divine presence and calling. 

My Personal Reflections on Leadership: Inspired by Nelson Mandela

During his years in prison, Mandela came to embody the essence of authentic leadership. Stripped of external power, he turned inward, cultivating dignity, compassion and clarity. 

In this 4-minute video, I share my reflections on how Mandela’s inner transformation shaped the profound impact he had for many years serving his homeland of South Africa following his release from prison.

His journey is a powerful reminder that the seeds of authentic leadership are planted within each of us, and that they come into fullness through our devotion to serving from the heart.


This Program is Designed for Anyone at a Significant Crossroads

& Looking to Embrace the Next Season of Their Life's Expression

  • Progressive Entrepreneurs and Executive Intrapreneurs desiring a mentor who can support them opening to the next level of their spiritual depth & psychological maturity. These individuals are often seeking new levels of revelation and inspiration to refine their work's mission, amplify their impact on the lives of others, and open wide to create greater wealth on all levels.
  • Conscious, Visionary Business Leaders with a calling for their business to be a more authentic reflection of who they are and the voice of their truth. They have a desire to create from a consciousness of higher intelligence, aligning their personal and professional life with their deepest values.
  • Self-Aware Individuals in Career & Life Transition facing increasing dissatisfaction with their current career or life expression and yearning for greater joy and life/work balance. These individuals desire new levels of meaning and adventure and have a growing, undeniable desire to commit to a groundbreaking new life direction aligned with their true potential.

The Transformational Leadership Mentoring Program can be particularly transformative if you find yourself at a point in your life where you're seeking a truly balanced lifestyle governed by a sustainable pace—a graceful pace—because you now recognize the essential importance of cooperating with your body's wisdom and natural rhythms. Embodying well-being and vitality play a foundational role in becoming more attuned to your intuitive guidance, opening to life-changing synchronicities, and accessing the strength of heart that fuels sustainable success. This isn’t about pushing or striving; it’s about discovering your organic elegance and opening to a steady, inspired flow of love that powers your actions.

I'm Ready to Begin. What is the Investment for this Program?

“I can easily see that my life, my fulfillment, my ability to be on-purpose, to show up and evolve the way that I have over the last number of years—wouldn’t have ever happened if it weren’t for Gavin.”

~ Scott Oldford
Mentor & Investor


Birthing an Inspired Dream Project

During the 6 months you'll be successfully manifesting a significant outer project of your choice—one that you have a powerful desire to create. Some examples include:

  • Launching a new dream business
  • Writing & publishing your long-desired first book (or 2nd or 3rd!)
  • Scaling your business to new levels of impact & financial success 
  • Successfully manifesting a devoted, long-term spiritual partner
  • Designing & facilitating a new transformational training program
  • Buying or remodeling your dream home
  • Navigating an empowering career change
  • Building a new level of physical health & vitality
  • Achieving an artistic goal (painting, dance, sculpture, musical expression, photographic exhibition, etc.)
  • Designing & scheduling a long-term sabbatical
  • Anchoring a profoundly nourishing, steady spiritual practice
  • Identifying where you next want to call your home & facilitating a successful move

Embracing an Inner Transformation Project

During the 6 months you'll also be engaged in a profound level of targeted inner transformation, a long-yearned-for "deeper cut" in your Soul's journey and evolution. Some examples include:

  • Greater attunement to the flow of your intuition & inspiration
  • Healing your past wounds and resentments with forgiveness & Self-love
  • Stepping forward into new avenues of authentic expression
  • Deepening connection with your divine presence & guiding wisdom
  • Putting to rest, once and for all, a longstanding pattern of addiction
  • Cultivating a more intimate courtship with your depth & vulnerability
  • Surrendering your unexpressed grief—including receiving the depth of blessings & lessons this healing brings
  • Anchoring a mature rootedness in your inner peace & calm
  • Strengthening your relationship with both courage and playfulness

The Transformational Leadership Mentoring Program Empowers You to Bring Both Your Projects and Passions to Life

The centerpiece of this program involves identifying, with my support, an Inspiring Dream Project of your choice which I'll be supporting you step-by-step in successfully manifesting during the 6-month program (some project possibilities detailed above). It's about receiving clear inspiration, targeted project sequencing and conscious, step-by-step implementation, along with the gentle accountability that comes with a conscious partnership. These are the core ingredients I've integrated into the program to support you in achieving steady progress with graceful momentum—across the finish line.

Simultaneously, during the 6 months I'll also be assisting you in identifying and embracing an Inner Transformation Project of your choice—bringing more alive your relationship with a deeper quality or presence that profoundly reflects your authentic nature. This dimension of the program could include, for example, moving beyond past trauma or unhealed unconscious patterns that have significantly limited your life's fulfillment; or perhaps cultivating a genuinely nourishing, conscious relationship with your inner spiritual life. (Additional inner transformation possibilities detailed above.)

My decades of experience and resources as a licensed spiritual therapist supporting clients to move deeper in their psychological and spiritual growth proves invaluable in helping you harvest the growth and inner freedom available from this dimension of the program.


Engaging these inner and outer dimensions in an interwoven way is the key, for in truth it is only when we transform our consciousness in a multi-dimensional way over time that the doors open wide to achieving sustained success. For example, for someone to sustain the loss of a great deal of weight, they often need to resolve the unaddressed psychological issues that may have contributed to the weight gain in the first place. Integrated healing and awakening incorporates all levels of  consciousness—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—and results in exponential levels of outer success fueled by mature authenticity.

The Soul-centered nature of this mentoring partnership provides you with the sustained inner and outer leverage to open to greater personal & professional fulfillment, to your greater destiny. As you learn to consciously attune to and cooperate with the higher spiritual energies flowing through you, you begin residing in a grounded flow state in which you naturally make wiser choices in divine timing. 

Meet Gavin

For over 45 years, I've been privileged to serve as a licensed spiritual therapist, leadership mentor, intuitive healer and bestselling author, guiding individuals and groups on the journey of leading their lives from soul consciousness. My work is rooted in the knowing that each of us is a tender human being as well as a vessel of divine power, and it is my mission to help you align and navigate these depths with clarity and authenticity.

I'm the author of The REAL YOU: Leading Your Life From Your Authentic Self, a comprehensive work that illuminates and makes accessible the universal path of the Authentic Self. As cofounder of the Center for Soul-Inspired Living and creator of the online Soul Gatherings community, as well as an ordained minister, I have spent decades creating safe and empowering processes where people experience transformation that unfolds naturally. Through intuitive guidance and practical tools, I help leaders to access the divine presence inside themselves that exists beyond the mind and emotions. My work is about unlocking your creative and spiritual potential, and bringing your most heartfelt visions into reality.

Gavin Frye & Joy Taylor

My extensive background in transpersonal & Jungian psychology includes 16 years on the faculty of the University of Santa Monica, where I co-facilitated the renowned Masters degree Program in Spiritual Psychology. Those years anchored my abilities to blend the transformational power of Soul-centered psychology with practical tools that awaken inner and outer leadership.

My beloved wife, Joy, and I offer transformational relationship workshops for singles and couples. Embracing the power of undefended love as a path of awakening and celebration, our work blends spiritual insight, compassionate healing, and empowering tools and practices. We are blessed to call home the high frequency sacred land of Mt Shasta, California—and are continually nourished by its alpine forests, lakes and rivers. 

Inner Connection


Building a stronger connection with your Authentic Self and natural knowing, an internal guidance system that leads to wiser decisions, saved time and money, and significantly greater impact.


Stepping past patterns of anxiety, overwhelm and self-neglect into joyfully leading your business from a foundation of divine strength, Self-honoring & loving service.


Establishing grace and confidence in manifesting your professional goals, including amplifying your wealth consciousness as you learn to create from a consciousness of overflow.

Embracing Vulnerability


Opening to your vulnerability and learning to skillfully facilitate compassionate shadow work in your own consciousness, deepening emotional maturity and access to your divine power as a leader.

Inspired Creativity


Daring to operate outside the box, infusing more inspiration and courage into your business model, teams and programs. Activate originality and playfulness as signature qualities of your leadership.

Financial Investment for the 6-Month

Transformational Leadership Mentoring Program

This is life-changing work. If you choose to make a sacred investment in yourself by saying YES to this program, you and I will enter into a dynamic, committed container of healing and inspired collaboration. You will have access to my decades of seasoned experience and intuitive gift for mentoring at a Soul level. 

I have consistently found that truly integrated, sustained transformation takes place steadily over time. Steady devotion and wise action activates a multi-dimensional process of change that is 24/7 in nature—and brings grounded, exponential results in which there is no turning back.

Our accountable container, which includes regularly scheduled weekly 1-hr. mentoring sessions over 6 months, will support your steady flow of insights, maturation, momentum and inspired action. Individually-tailored inner and outer work will be identified and harvested between our 1-on-1 mentoring sessions. Throughout the time we are working closely together, you’ll also receive text and voice message support, leadership resources, videos, and uniquely curated tools to support you in addressing challenges, anchoring gains and meeting your goals. Throughout this dynamic process, I’ll have your back and be right there by your side.

Investment: $12,000

Two payment options:

  • $11,500 if paid in full (a $500 savings)
  • 6 monthly payments of $2,000 

Over the years, leaders and executives have expressed to me again and again that the astonishing level of transformation which emerged during our work together was not only triumphant, it dramatically upleveled the caliber of their life—for the rest of their lives.

Flowing from my in-depth experience designing and facilitating transformational programs, I have purposefully crafted this mentoring program to be graceful, on-purpose and adventurous—while also being a relaxed complement to your existing life commitments. I invite you to join with me in dedicated partnership as you naturally birth the next season of your evolution and leadership expression from deep inside out.

Click Here to Register for the Program
Book a Complimentary 30 min. Discovery Call w/ Gavin

"What typically draws clients your way, Gavin?"

Individuals and entrepreneurs choose into this 6-month Mentoring Program at pivotal moments in their lives—times when something deep within them is calling for major change that may require courage as they open to a more authentic way of living. It could be someone on the verge of launching an entrepreneurial venture for the first time, or another navigating an adventurous yet frightening career transition, or another who is considering stepping into the next level of their business success which demands renewed vision and vulnerability. Some other examples:

  • Remarkably successful entrepreneurs, including financially, yet who aren't fulfilled as the business they've created is not aligned with their heart & deeper gifts
  • Executives feeling trapped in a pattern of working too hard and too many hours trying to prove themselves to others
  • Recently had a life-changing psychological or spiritual experience & need assistance integrating profound levels of change
  • Lack of belief in themselves and never feeling good enough, with an inner critic who won’t quiet down
  • Rebuilding one's life in new ways as they traverse a major trauma or loss (i.e. divorce, death of a loved one, natural disaster, health crisis, etc.)
  • Pattern of neglecting their basic needs and physical well-being, with an increase in unhealthy body symptoms
  • Newly in touch with their authentic gifts and life vision—and desiring to rebuild their life in a new direction
  • Perpetually putting off new directions and dream projects for “someday”—postponing & procrastinating
  • Growing awareness of a profound desire to have a more powerful impact on others' lives—and needing assistance clarifying how best to do that
  • Indecision and not trusting their intuition—getting stuck in self-doubt with a pattern of missed opportunities
  • Recently opened to a new resolve to honestly address and put behind them their destructive pattern of addiction
  • Holding regret and resentment from past mistakes—and not knowing how to forgive, learn and move forward
  • Fears around becoming more visible on stages, social media, etc.—with a strangely accompanying yearning to take risks to be more visible
  • A growing intuitive knowing that there is a much higher level of fulfillment available to them—more meaning, adventure, creativity and financial success

After decades supporting hundreds of people transform their lives, I've discovered that difficult and painful transitions in life are one of the ways a person's deeper Self, their Soul, has of getting their attention and inviting them into powerful seasons of change and new direction. With 45 years of experience as a licensed therapist, I bring a level of mastery to ushering progressive entrepreneurs and executives through these inner challenges and unconscious patterns into greater levels of psychological and spiritual maturity—the bedrock of every truly successful and fulfilling life.


"What typically draws clients your way, Gavin?"

Clients come my way at pivotal moments in their lives—times when something deep within them is calling for major change that may require courage and opening to a more authentic way of living. It could be someone on the verge of launching an entrepreneurial venture for the first time, or another navigating an adventurous yet frightening career transition, or another who is considering stepping into the next level of their business success which demands renewed vision and vulnerability. Some other examples:

  • Remarkably successful entrepreneurs, including financially, yet who aren't fulfilled as the business they've created is not aligned with their heart & deeper gifts
  • Feeling trapped in a pattern of working too hard and too many hours trying to prove themselves to others
  • Recently had a life-changing psychological or spiritual experience & need assistance integrating profound levels of change
  • Lack of belief in themselves and never feeling good enough, with an inner critic who won’t quiet down
  • Rebuilding one's life after traversing a major trauma or loss (i.e. divorce, death of a loved one, natural disaster, health crisis, etc.)
  • Pattern of neglecting their basic needs and physical well-being, with an increase in unhealthy body symptoms
  • Newly in touch with their authentic gifts and life vision—and desiring to rebuild their life in a new direction
  • Perpetually putting off new directions and dream projects for “someday”—postponing & procrastinating
  • Growing awareness of a profound desire to have a more powerful impact on others' lives—and needing assistance clarifying how best to do that
  • Indecision and not trusting their intuition—getting stuck in self-doubt with a pattern of missed opportunities
  • Holding regret and resentment from past mistakes—and not knowing how to forgive, learn and move forward
  • Fears around becoming more visible on stages, social media, etc.—with a strangely accompanying yearning to take risks to be more visible
  • A growing intuitive knowing that there is a much higher level of fulfillment available to them—more meaning, adventure, creativity and financial success

After decades of experience supporting hundreds of people transform their lives, I've discovered that difficult and painful transitions in life are one of the ways a person's deeper Self, their Soul, has of getting their attention and inviting them into powerful seasons of change and new direction. With 45 years of experience as a licensed therapist, I bring a level of mastery to ushering individuals through these inner challenges and unconscious patterns into greater levels of psychological and spiritual maturity—the bedrock of every truly successful and fulfilling life.

"Gavin helped me navigate some really trying times by helping me connect with what my Authentic Self truly desired. He assisted me in making some really tough yet liberating life decisions—and championed me in successfully creating my dream life. I love Gavin so dearly. He is soul family for me.”

                                           ~ Michelle Rogers    Functional Medicine Practitioner & Mentor Founder of The WELLth Academy

Next Steps with Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

The 6-month Transformational Leadership Mentoring Program serves those who recognize that a season of life-changing opportunity is at hand. I welcome clients into my practice from all around the world via personal referral, and they find my transformational work intimate and effective whether conducted in-person, over the phone, or video-based conferencing. The key variable for success is the strength of our bond and the mutual sincerity of our brave engagement in the process.

This program represents the culmination of my life’s work. It is truly a sacred privilege to partner 1-on-1 with clients in an intimate container over time as they heal and move beyond old patterns—while becoming more skillful in living from their spiritual center. Each person I work with is exquisitely unique, with an unfolding process that is organic and magical. If you feel called to this work, know that you are stepping into a journey where both your humanity and divinity are safe and equally honored, and where you'll be lovingly supported in becoming the truest, most powerful version of yourself. It would be an honor to be a part of your journey.

I invite you to register for the program or reach out my way for a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call. Together we can explore the possibility of whether the 6-month program is a fit for you at this time. I’d love the opportunity to meet you, and when we connect you can ask questions, share where you are on your journey, and explore how our work together might support your growth and transformation. The call is your time to be heard and gain clarity—with no pressure, just an open and heartfelt conversation.

Take great care,

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