
Transformational Therapy

A Profound Path of Healing & Awakening

Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

Empowering You To Live From Deep Inside Out 

Are you feeling a deeper pull within—a sense that life could be more aligned, more fulfilling, yet you’re unsure how to fully step into it? Maybe you are experiencing significant pain and/or outer challenges in your life that seem to be blocking you from moving forward.

One-on-One Therapy offers a path to reconnect with the essence of who you truly are. This isn’t about fixing or changing yourself, but about awakening to the profound wisdom already within you.

Together, I'll assist you in breaking free from the patterns that no longer serve you, to naturally connect in a deeper way with your Authentic Self, and support you stepping into a life that reflects your Soul’s presence and directives.

My practice is built upon over 40 years of guiding individuals & couples through pivotal life passages of healing and awakening. What I offer is a compassionate, intuitive space where you can tap into the depth of your heart—the source of your insight, courage and fulfillment.

One-on-One Therapy

When life feels like it’s pulling you in different directions or you’re standing at a crossroads, compassionate therapy offers a guiding light. In our one-on-one sessions, I’ll hold a safe, sacred space for you to explore the challenges and opportunities unfolding in your life. 

Whether you’re navigating a period of significant challenge or change—or seeking to awaken a new level of life fulfillment—One-on-One Therapy invites you into a profound deepening of your spiritual journey, as well as an opportunity to:

  • Heal unresolved emotional wounds & the limiting life stories that accompany them
  • Anchor your ability to connect with & honor the presence and directives of your Authentic Self'
  • Access new levels of revelation & creativity that naturally guide your life direction and next steps

This work is not about fixing or changing; it’s about unveiling your deeper Authentic Self nature that has always been there, waiting to emerge. As we work together, you’ll find greater access to your inner stability, creativity, and the clarity to live your life with greater meaning and ease. This is your time to discover the strength and joy that come from living in alignment with the deeper energies of your Soul.

I'd Like to Schedule a Discovery Call with Gavin to Explore One-on-One Therapy

“As soon as Gavin and I had our first call, everything shifted. Our work genuinely transformed the way I think about myself. What I tell anyone when they ask what it is like to work with Gavin is that it is like unlocking everything and you see it clearly for the first time.”

~ Rachel Bell, Founder, Online Coach University


Couples Therapy

"To open to a steady flow of generous intimacy with another, each partner must be dedicated to cultivating a rich connection with their inner life, which then becomes available to pour into the outer relationship.” 

                                  ~ Gavin

When approached wisely and skillfully, an intimate partnership provides a uniquely powerful vehicle to support each partner in awakening to the joys and depth of their Authentic Selves. In essence, there is an opportunity to embrace each other in divine partnership.

A committed relationship has the extraordinary potential to be a powerful catalyst for personal and spiritual growth, for sharing profound love and rich companionship with a partner is one of the most fulfilling experiences in life. At the same time, a divine partnership invariably has a way of surfacing each partner's unresolved issues from the past. This divinely orchestrated activation that opens the way for healing and awakening is a blessing. Richly woven within every successful long-term partnership is a conscious appreciation for this tender and dynamic alchemical process. Yet, it is empowering only if both partners are willing to embrace being vulnerable and transparent with each other about their individual healing journeys. Conversely, relationships not anchored in conscious acceptance and cooperation with this deeper growth process are often short-lived and marked by negative patterns of projection, blame, hurt and loneliness.

It is a privilege for me to hold sacred space in support of a couple’s rich, conscious evolution. With over 40 years of seasoned experience as a couples therapist, I’ve consistently found the most effective process which supports steady, grounded progress is by offering a structured, therapeutic container over time that interweave both couples sessions and one-on-one sessions in which I work with each partner. This sustained and integrated commitment, tailored to each couple, optimally harvests the transformational potential.

As partners come to embrace both the gifts and healing opportunities afforded by their relationship, it has been my experience that they come to naturally open to steady, mature levels of intimacy and joyful companionship. 

"When we first reached out to you, Gavin, we were frayed along our edges and truly grappling with the survival our marriage. As we reflect on all the challenging work we’ve accomplished in Spiritual Couples Therapy over the past year, we feel empowered, closer than ever and so successful! We find it challenging to express just how much your skill set, knowledge, heart and soul have helped save our marriage. Without your seasoned guidance, we would not be in the wonderful, tender and steadily loving place that we are now."

With so much love and thanks, Rich & Robin D


Core Benefits of My Work with Couples Include:

  • Learning advanced skills that naturally facilitate conscious, compassionate communication
  • Greater levels of heartfelt depth and emotional maturity
  • Reconnecting with the profound joy & closeness present during their initial courtship
  • Empowering each partner to gracefully navigate their internal healing process
  • Building a solid foundation for successful long-term commitment and, if desired, the creation of a healthy family through effective parenting
  • Embracing deeper levels of passionate, sacred lovemaking—a natural by-product of genuine intimacy
I'd Like to Schedule a Discovery Call with Gavin to Explore Couples Therapy
Clients with Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

Clients drawn my way include:

  • Individuals walking through a groundbreaking passage of challenge, healing and/or transformation in their life journey
  • Individuals facing increasing dissatisfaction with their current career expression and yearning for greater life/work balance
  • Couples seeking to overcome painful challenges and patterns in their relationship—and desiring seasoned, targeted support for their intimacy to flourish
  • Conscious singles who hold a powerful prayer and desire to attract true love into their lives

Some core benefits clients receive through our collaborative work over time:

Inner Connection


Building a stronger connection with your Authentic Self and natural knowing, an internal guidance system anchored in gratitude, love & truth.


Establishing a greater flow of success in manifesting your personal & professional goals, including opening more fully to a consciousness of wealth and overflow.

Embracing Vulnerability


Opening new entryways into your depth and authenticity. Learn to facilitate compassionate shadow work as a powerful avenue for emotional maturity and becoming more anchored in Soul awareness.

Inspired Creativity


Daring to bring greater willingness to operate outside the box. Make courageous changes in your life direction and expression. Activating playfulness as a signature quality of a deeply fulfilling and productive life.

 “No matter what issues I brought to you in sessions, no matter the intensity of the material, I felt your ability to be present and accepting of me in a way that I find very rare. Before working with you, I had always worked with women on my issues of childhood sexual abuse. You were the first man that I felt safe enough to work with. I am so grateful for how you show up as a powerful, loving and healing man.”

                                                                                       ~ Marigrace Lonergan-Gleason
                                                                                           Women’s Empowerment Coach

Next Steps with Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

My practice is primarily centered upon core clients I work with consistently over time, most often on a weekly basis. I work with individuals and couples from around the world, and they find my transformational work intimate and effective whether conducted in person, over the phone, or via video-based conferencing. The key variable for success is the strength of our bond and the mutual sincerity of our brave engagement in the process.

If you find yourself called to step into new levels of authenticity in this next season of your life’s journey, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call with me where we can explore the possibility of working together.

Take great care,

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